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Listed below are Articles, Reports and Profiles that were published in the PCC Newsletter between December 2000 and December 2020. Click on either the Author’s Name, Issue No, Date or one of the Tags to filter the list, then click the OPEN button to retrieve the article.
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1,000 Weights – A 21st Celebration, staging a major paperweight exhibitionanderson0812003-apranniversary exhibition
1848 and 184…Ashtray, , a dated Old English ashtraymaroschek-e1192015-nov1848 arculus walsh-walsh-2
1970 Caithness Pendant, , silver jewellery with Paul Ysart canesmaroschek-e1302019-julcaithness paul-ysart pendant
19th Century Millefiori at Auction, , , , millefiori sales at auctioncummings-i1342020-novcarlsthal dr-fuss-2 egermann franchini karlsthal
212 Years in Paperweight Making, , , glassmakers with 212 years of experiencedeacons-j0862004-decdeacons duncan-smith franco-toffolo gordon-taylor
A 37-Year Search is Over, , the search for the last weight in a seriesgiles-r1182015-jularctic-range force strathearn
A Baccarat Hidden Rose Cane, , hidden roses in a Baccarat closepackspek-m1292019-marbaccarat closepack rose
A Baccarat Rock Ground Collection, , , a collection of rock ground paperweightssimmonds-j1182015-julbaccarat rock-ground s-g specific-gravity
A Bigaglia Commemorativea personalised Bigaglia paperweightmaroschek-e1232017-marbigaglia
A Brace of Ducks, , , Ducks and La Tour d’Argentfaulkner-n1102012-novbaccarat duck murano st-louis
A Career in Glass, , a glassmaker recalls working at Strathearnmcdonald-d0862004-decstrathearn stuart teachers
A Carlsthal Paperweight, , , a Carlsthal weight with a unique featuremattes-g1222016-novcarlsthal clichy karlsthal st-louis
A Chinese Rarity, a rare miniature Chinese paperweightsimmonds-j0942007-augchinese miniature
A Clichy Door Handle, , a Clichy closepack door handlesimmonds-j1212016-julclichy doorknob roses
A Collection Evolves, , collecting history of a PCC membercummings-i1302019-julbacchus collection collectors
A Cracking Tale, , a weight which cracked in transithall-b0792002-augannealing cracked damage
A Curious Sulphide, starfish canes and an enema sulphidecummings-i1342020-novenema starfish
A Dated Old English Paperweight, , new thoughts on Old English paperweightshall-b0922006-decbacchus old-english richardson
A Deacons Masterclassa week in John Deacons studiocarter-d1082012-aprdeacons
A Dealer’s Dilemma, , what to keep and what to sellslater-a0912006-augapsley-pellatt deacons holmes
A Delightful Door Knob, , a millefiori door knob at an antique fairsanders-e0872005-aprdoorknob strathearn vasart
A Feast for the Eyes, a paperweight exhibition in Franceklemer0832003-decexhibition pont-a-mousson
A Group of Unrecorded Weightsunrecorded lily of the valley paperweightsstammwitz-a1112013-aprlily-of-the-valley
A Honeycomb Masterpiece, , a protoype St Louis honeycombsugarman-s1232017-marhoneycomb prototype st-louis
A John Deacons Master Class, , , a week spent with John Deaconslucas-b0962008-aprcanes deacons millefiori rose
A Karlsthal Paperweight, , a patterned weight attributed to Karlsthalsmale-t1182015-julcarlsthal karlsthal von-brackel
A Letter from Brazil, , searching for paperweights in Brazilanderson-j0852004-augbaccarat clichy sothebys
A Letter from France, , giving a talk on paperweights in Francescott-d0842004-aprpresentation slides talk
A Letter to the Editor, , a letter from an “old-fashioned” collectoranon0942007-augdensity gravity uv-lamp
A Load of Bull, , creating a picture canecarter-d1162014-novdeacons gather picture-cane
A Loren Stump Paperweight, , , a Loren Stump paperweight & Stankard murrinebruchhausen-p1312019-novamerican loren-stump murrine stankard
A Lucky Catch, , a St Louis fish weight at auctioncarter-d1032010-augbergstrom-mahler fish st-louis
A Lucky Find, putting a maker’s name to a paperweightcarter-d0912006-augt-cane tarsitano
A Lucky Four-leaf Clover, , , modern St Louis four-leaf clovercarter-g1342020-novclover farfalla selman st-louis
A Magical Mystery Tour, tracking the source of a paperweightcarter-d0952007-decliskeard yelverton
A Millefiori Medallion, , a medallion found at a flea marketcummings-i1222016-novbohemia medallion silesia
A Millefiori Mystery, , a Clichy bell pull ?cummings-i1202016-marbell-pull clichy millefiori
A Mysterious Snake, , a snake by paperweight maker Ronald Hansensymcox-v1232017-maramerican ronald-hansen snake
A New Attribution for Butterflies, , , butterfly paperweights from Austriastammwitz-a1292019-maraustria bohemian butterflies vienna
A New Book about Dr Fuss, a new book about the work of Dr Fusscarter-d1172015-mardr-fuss-2 hoffnungsthal
A New Type of Chinese White, , paperweights using the transfer techniquegiles-r1022010-aprchinese transfer whitefriars
A Newel Post Gone Wrong?, French or Silesian millefiori newel postmattes-g1342020-novjosephine newel
A Note from Dave Moir, , the Salvador Ysart butterfly canemoir-d0902006-aprbutterfly salvador-ysart vasart
A Pantin Discovery, , a Pantin white rosedauby-c1312019-novpantin rose roses
A Paperweight from Mauritius, , a paperweight made by a beer companymaroschek-e1032010-augbottle-glass logo recycled
A Paperweight Game, , , prized paperweights to save in an emergencychambers-t1332020-julbuzzini gordon-smith perthshire snail
A Paperweight with Bugsa rare Delmo Tarsitano paperweightchambers-t1302019-jultarsitano
A PCC Summer Garden Party, a garden party with Colin Richardsoncummings-i1192015-novcolin-richardson mike-hunter
A Pilgrimage to Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, , the writer Colette and her paperweightsdemory-j-l1202016-marcapote colette saint-sauveur
A Previously Unrecorded Ysart Daisy, , a frit weight with a 12-petalled daisysimmonds-j1032010-augdaisy frit-weights paul-ysart
A Rare Baccarat B Cane, , a Baccarat closepack with separate B canethornton-a1052011-aprbaccarat date-cane signature-cane
A Rare Find Indeed, , a dated Silesian paperweight at auctionhorst-b1022010-apr1848 baccarat josephinenhutte
A Rare Fish Sulphide Paperweight, , a rare fish weight found on eBayfelix-j-p1072011-novfish st-louis sulphide
A Rather Good Month, bidding & buying paperweights at auctionwalker0772001-decauction ebay
A Richard Golding Special, Richard Golding at Broadfield Housecarter-d1182015-julbroadfield golding
A Ruby Anniversary: PCC 1981-2021history of the PCCfaulkner1342020-novpcc
A Salvador Ysart Trio, , , 3 Salvador Ysart paperweightseditor1162014-novbutterfly flower frit salvador-ysart
A St Louis Double Overlay Prototype, , a modern St Louis double overlay prototypefaulkner-n1292019-marclematis prototype st-louis
A Strathearn Cat, , a Strathearn cat silhouettesymcox-v1312019-novcat silhouette strathearn
A Tale Too Farsale of paperweights from book ‘A Garland of Weights’smale-t1232017-marauction
A Tour of Scotland, visiting paperweight makers in Scotlandcarter-d1002009-augperth-crieff scottish-borders
A Trip to Poland, , , PCC visit to Riesengebirge glassworksslater-a1282018-novbohemia kordasiewicz riesengebirge silesia
A Vase with Frilly Rim!, , , , a Josephine vase sold at auctioncarter-g1292019-marjosephine josephinenhutte silesia silesian vase
A Very Rare Ysart Closepack, , , a Paul Ysart closepack with butterfly canessimmonds-j1312019-novbutterflies butterfly-cane closepack paul-ysart
A Victorian Millefiori Brooch, , a brooch with Egermann canesmattes-g1162014-novegermann riesengebirge rose
A Visit to the Cristallerie St Louis, , a visit to the St Louis factory and museumbruchhausen-p1202016-marmuseum st-louis xavier-zimmermann
A Wonderful Experience, , visit to Paperweight Fest at Wheatondauby-c1272018-julamerican stankard wheaton
Additional Commemorative Paperweights, weights commemorating major eventsgiles-r1042010-novcommemorative worlds-fair
Advantages of Using Ebay, , using eBay to look for paperweightsjohnson-t0802002-decauction ebay internet
Again, j1848, a possible explanation for the lower case ‘j’mattes-g1062011-augj-1848 josephinenhutte
AGM Reports 2015reports presented at the 2015 AGMeditor1172015-maragm
AGM Reports 2016reports presented at the 2016 AGMeditor1202016-maragm
AGM Reports 2017reports presented at the 2017 AGMeditor1232017-maragm
AGM Reports 2018, reports presented at the 2018 AGMeditor1262018-marpcc pcc-meeting
AGM Reports 2019, reports presented at the 2019 AGMeditor1292019-marpcc pcc-meeting
AGM Reports 2020, reports presented at the 2020 AGMeditor1322020-marpcc pcc-meeting
AIC Auction in Chicago, , a sale on behalf of the Art Institute in Chicagocummings-i1222016-novart-institute rubloff selman
All Shapes & Sizes, , an overview of various types of inkwellshall-b0802002-decbacchus english inkwell
Allan Scott & John Deacons Collaborations, , Allan and John make paperweights togethercarter-d1112013-aprdeacons lampwork scott
Amazing Feet!, two unusual Old English paperweightsthornton-a0932007-aprold-english richardson
American Paperweight History, , , a review of lesser known American makerswebber-d0802002-decamerican-makers bs negc new-england-glass
An 18th Century Glass Paperweight?, , could this be a very early paperweight?thornton-a0992009-aprblack-glass-2 dutch pontil-scar
An 18thCentury Glass Paperweight; Answer, , the real purpose of the early paperweightmattes-g1002009-augblack-glass-2 iron rubbing-stone
An American Advertising Weight, a weight advertising an hotel in Brazilsimmonds-j0942007-augadvertising-weights jasper-ground
An American Lettered Paperweight, unknown HCB letters American paperweightsimmonds-j1342020-novamerican f-e-smith
An Antique Bigaglia Paperweight, , an unsual feature in a Bigaglia weightmattes-g0982008-novaventurine bigaglia sarpellon
An eBay Conundrum, a wrongly listed “Baccarat” on eBayfaulkner-n1222016-novclichy ebay
An Egg with a Foot from Fenne, a paperweight from the Fenne glassworksmaroschek-e1092012-augfenne household-glass
An Experimental Whitefriars, an experimental design on a white groundgraham-t1182015-julgarlands whitefriars
An Interesting and Unusual St Kilda Paperweight, , a large St Kilda flower weightwebber-d0952007-decdeacons decora st-kilda
An Interesting Discovery (Sequel), making a paperweight in Austriamattes-g0972008-augfrit mould
An Interesting Discovery in Austria, paperweights from northern Austriamattes-g0952007-deccharacteristic-pattern forms
An Interesting Find – Riedel, a Riedel concentric on a pink groundwinter-f1192015-novpolaun riedel
An Old American Scrapbook, , an American collector’s 1940s scrapbookstammwitz-a1072011-novbaccarat chinese whitefriars
An Unexpected Find, , finding a Perthshire weight in Switzerlandklemer-z0922006-deccross-keys perthshire swiss-bank
An Unrecorded Scottish Design, , a paperweight with a Celtic Crosssimmonds-j1092012-augceltic-cross jack-allan perthshire
An Unusual Closepack, , a closepack from an unknown sourcesmale-t1222016-novbaccarat closepack sulphide
An Unusual Millefiori Bracelet, , a bracelet with Egermann panelsmattes-g1292019-marbohemia egermann jewellery
An Unusual Old English Basket Paperweight, , , the provenance of a basket paperweightsmale-t1062011-augbacchus mrs-a-a mrs-applewhaite-abbott old-english
An Unusual Paperweight, two unidentified weightsslingsby0882005-augflags opal-glass
An Unusual Paperweight Doorknob, , a slightly puzzling doorknob!carter-d1092012-augclichy doorknob st-mande
An Unusual Rock Ground, a Baccarat rock groundsimmonds-j1292019-marbaccarat rock-ground
An Unusual Strathearn, , a weight marked Strathearn Glasswebber-d0882005-augdeacons herbert-dreier strathearn
An Unusual Whitefriars Bottle-or is it?, , unexpected canes in a Whitefriars bottlethornton-a0962008-apr7-6-canes bottle whitefriars
An Ysart Picture Cane, , flower cane in an Ysart Brothers paperweightmaroschek-e1312019-novpicture-cane vasart ysart-brothers
And Is There a Bargain Still on Ebay?, , Baccarat garlanded butterfly on eBayhorst-b0892005-decbaccarat butterfly ebay
Andy Moncrieff Frigger, , Strathearn frigger with flower and letterscarter-d1322020-marfrigger moncrieff strathearn
Another Coded Monart Label, , , a coded Monart label on a Paul Ysart butterflythornton-a1252017-novbutterfly coded monart paul-ysart
Another Deacons Masterclass, , another week in John Deacons’ studiolucas-b0982008-novdeacons mould overlay
Another Discovery, , an unknown picture weight from Bohemiamattes-g1312019-novaustria bohemia picture-weights
Another Eisner, a possible Eisner flower weightsimmonds-j0822003-augfrank-eisner uv-fluorescence
Another French Paperweight Source, glassmaking in the area of Rive de Gierthornton-a0822003-augglassworks rive-de-gier
Another Mystery Weight, , a weight from an unknown makersymcox-v0812003-aprlizard sulphide varnish-glass
Another Pantin Lizard, , an unrecorded Pantin lizard at auctionsimmonds-j0952007-declizard pantin unrecorded
Another Pantin Salamander, , a Pantin rock ground without a salamander!carter-g1302019-julpantin rock-ground salamander
Another Piece of Barware, , a two piece pourer with Vasart canessimmonds-j1152014-augbarware lassman vasart
Another Rare Find, , New England scramble with rare canewright-e0852004-augnegc new-england-glass scramble
Another Seashells Picture, , a second Seashells picture in Americathornton-a1162014-novislington seashells stave-basket
Another St Louis Prototype, a modern St Louis prototypecummings-i1312019-novprototype st-louis
Another Very Early Millefiori Paperweight, , , an addition to the group of early Riesengebirge paperweightsmattes-g1312019-novbohemia bohemian silesia silesian
Another Whitefriars Overlay, recording a Whitefriars 1977 white overlaysimmonds-j1042010-novoverlay whitefriars
Antique French Paperweights Pt-1, defining paperweights made in Francethornton-a1042010-novantique-french factories
Antique French Paperweights Pt-2, , , clues to attributing French paperweightsthornton-a1052011-aprbaccarat clichy st-louis st-mande
Antique French Paperweights Pt-3, , attributing lampwork in French paperweightsthornton-a1062011-augbaccarat pantin st-louis
Antique Paperweights in France, , , two rare weights at auction in Francedauby-c1172015-marcarpet-ground clichy fruit pantin
Antique Venetian Scrambleds, , , antique Venetian scramble paperweightssimmonds-j1282018-novaventurine bigaglia scramble venice
Antiquing in Florida, , looking for paperweights in Floridahall-b0872005-aprchinese flea-market murano
Anyone for Marbles?, , how a collector got hooked on paperweightsmartin-j0792002-augcap-badge marble sulphide
Archaeological Millefiori, Roman millefiori decorative mosaicmaroschek-e0952007-decmicro-mosaic pietra-dura
Arculus – Playing Chequers, , a gallery of Arculus chequer paperweightsthornton-a0982008-novarculus chequer rabbit-cane
Arculus Stemmed Bowl, , a short history of the Arculus companyhall-b0892005-decarculus set-up walsh-walsh-2
Art in Glass – The Olympia Exhibition, a major exhibition of paperweightsthornton-a0932007-aprexhibition olympia
Ashes into Glass, , a practical solution for the avid collector?anon1012009-novgather glory-hole lampwork
Attributing a Paperweight…, , attributing a weight in the Royal Collectionmaroschek-e1172015-marbaccarat date-cane silhouette-canes
Attribution – A Tricky Question, the problems involved in an attributionthornton-a1032010-augantique-french baccarat
Auction in Cahors, , a 3-flower Baccarat clematiscummings-i1232017-marauction baccarat flowers
Auction in Knightsbridge, , , , auction at Bonhams of 150 paperweightscummings-i1292019-marauction baccarat clichy collection st-louis
Auction in Waldorf, , two von Brackel Silesian or Bohemian weightscarter-g1322020-marbohemia silesia von-brackel
Auction News, , , , Pantin salamander in Selman auctioneditor0752001-aprbaccarat christies clichy pantin selman
Aventurine Glass, , the history and uses of aventurinemaroschek-e1122013-augaventurine bigaglia goldstone
Baccarat, , Baccarat’s attention to qualityreilly-p0792002-augbaccarat clichy st-louis
Baccarat at Auction in Portugal, antique Baccarat doorknobs at auctionmattes-g1222016-novbaccarat doorknob
Baccarat Cane Letter, , further to the 1848 date cane mysterydohan-a0992009-apr1848 date-cane numerals
Baccarat Cane Letter; Reply, , an eye specialist examines the date canesugarman-s1002009-augdate-cane magnification numerals
Bacchus Decanters, buying a pair of decanters at auctionhall-b0882005-augbacchus victoria-silhouette
Bacchus Weight, PCC member finds a Bacchus weightthornton-a0992009-aprbacchus car-boot-sale
Bacchus Weight in Museum contd, , paperweight in the Royal Ontario Museumhall-b0752001-aprbacchus canes honeycomb
Bacchus Were Better…, , the weights being sold ca. 1850thornton-a0972008-augbacchus bohemian starfish-canes
Bacchus: Cruciform Canes, , paperweights with cruciform caneshall-b0862004-decbacchus ogee victoria-silhouette
Bacchus: Early, Late or Just On Time?, a critical look at Bacchus attributionsthornton-a0882005-augbacchus old-english
Back to Bacchus, a Bacchus sodden snow weight at auctioncummings-i1212016-julbacchus sodden-snow
Back to the Roots – Dr W.E. Fuss, , discovering a pioneer of millefiorimaroschek-e1072011-novdr-fuss-2 millefiori von-minutoli
Bargain Hunting on Ebay, , weights that have appeared on ebayfury-m0822003-augbacchus ebay paul-ysart
Bart Zimmerman 1958-2008, remembering glassblower Bart Zimmermaneditor0982008-novglassblower zimmerman-art-glass
Base Scratchings and Labels, , , the significance of base marks and labelssimmonds-j1122013-augbaccarat clichy label st-louis
Basic Bases, , various types of bases on paperweightsthornton-a1152014-augconcave ground pontil-scar
Bed Time for Butterflies, , interesting discoveries in dumpsthornton-a0852004-augbutterflies dumps single-flower
Bill Burchfield and Cape Cod Glassworks Pt-1, , profile of glassmaker Bill Burchfield Pt-1faulkner-n1062011-augburchfield cape-cod pairpoint
Bill Burchfield and Cape Cod Glassworks Pt-2, , profile of glassmaker Bill Burchfield Pt-2faulkner-n1072011-novburchfield cape-cod marbrie
Birch Green, , green colour glass used by Monartmaroschek-e1312019-novcolour colours monart
Bits & Pieces of News, a round up of news itemseditor0932007-aprcaithness kilner
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor0942007-augbacchus jim-hart thomas-webb
Bits & Pieces of News, a round up of news itemseditor0952007-deccaithness deacons
Bits & Pieces of News, , , a round up of news itemshall-b0922006-deccaithness clichy ebay selkirk
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor0972008-augbaccarat clichy strathearn
Bits & Pieces of News, , , a round up of news itemseditor0962008-aprbaccarat bonhams clichy selman
Bits & Pieces of News, a round up of news itemseditor0982008-novfire paperweight
Bits & Pieces of News, , , a round up of news itemseditor0992009-aprarculus baccarat clichy st-louis
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1002009-augbonhams selman toledo
Bits & Pieces of News, a round up of news itemseditor1012009-novdr-fuss-2 rubbing-stone
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1022010-aprbonhams collection rubloff
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1032010-augbonhams clichy schroderus
Bits & Pieces of News, a round up of news itemseditor1042010-novmanson selman
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1052011-aprclichy old-english raos
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1062011-augbaccarat bonhams selman
Bits & Pieces of News, a round up of news itemseditor1072011-novchinese clichy
Bits & Pieces of News, , , a round up of news itemseditor1092012-augbacchus chinese clichy paul-ysart
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1102012-novceltic-cross jack-allan yelverton
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1112013-aprgolding isle-of-wight ruskin-centre
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1122013-augqueens-head scotland selkirk
Bits & Pieces of News, , a round up of news itemseditor1132013-novayotte baccarat selman
Bohemian Bonanza, , , , , a Josephine paperweight sold at auctioncarter-g1302019-julbohemia bohemian josephine josephinenhutte silesia silesian
Book Review: A Reference Guide to Signature Canes, , updated dictionary of signature canescarter-d0952007-deccd millefiori signature-canes
Book Review: Bimini Glassa new book about Bimini glassfaulkner1322020-marbimini
Book Review: Classic Paperweights from Silesia…, , a new book from Peter von Brackelsimmonds-j1042010-novbohemia silesia von-brackel
Book Review: Dr W.E. Fuss, , a new book about Dr W.E Fusscarter-d1142014-aprdr-fuss-2 filigree millefiori
Book Review: English Bottle Glass Dumps, , a new book about dumpsthornton-a1052011-aprbottle-glass doorstop dumps
Book Review: Glass and Glassmaking, a book by Roger Dodsworthcarter-d0962008-aprglassmakers roger-dodsworth
Book Review: Masterworks; The Paperweights of…, a book about Paul Ysart paperweightscarter-d1012009-novpaul-ysart py-weights
Book Review: Michael Harris, , new book about Michael Harriscarter-d0932007-aprgozo isle-of-wight mdina
Book Review: Pirelli Glass, Angela Bowey’ s book on Pirelli Glasscarter-d1212016-julangela-bowey pirelli-glass
Book Review: The Dictionary of Glass Paperweights, a dictionary from Paul Dunlopsimmonds-j1022010-aprdunlop illustrations
Book Review: The Encyclopaedia of Caithness…, a new book about Caithness paperweightscarter-d1062011-augcaithness nowson
Book Review: The New England Glass Co, , a new book about the NEGCsimmonds-j1062011-augjohn-hawley negc new-england-glass
Book Review: Victorian Dumps, , a reference work by Peter Sellerssimmonds-j1022010-aprdumps kilner peter-sellers
Book Review: Whitefriars Paperweight Collectors…, a new guide to Whitefriars paperweightssimmonds-j1052011-aprbrian-slingsby whitefriars
Book Review: World Paperweights, , a new book covering a wide range of paperweightsmurray0772001-decchinese pantin st-mande
Broadfield House Paperweight Day, the June exhibition with Peter Holmeseditor1032010-augbroadfield holmes
Broadfield House Paperweight Day, the exhibition at Broadfield Houseeditor1092012-augbroadfield manson
Buried Treasure, , , a 16th Century bead is uncoveredanderson0792002-augbeads pendant venetian victorian
Bussolin Canes in Rare Double Overlays, , two double overlays with Bussolin canesmattes-g1312019-novbohemia bussolin harrach
Bussolin Paperweights, , , evidence where Bussolin weights were mademattes-g1282018-novbohemia bussolin riesengebirge silesia
Bussolin Paperweights – an unsolved puzzle, , paperweights with Bussolin canes and their originkordasiewicz-m1302019-julbohemia bussolin silesia
Caithness Glass Girl Power, , women working at Caithness in Perthhall-b0742000-deccaithness helen-macdonald shona-spittal
Caithness Jewellery, , , the Caithness range of jewellerysymcox-v1202016-marstones caithness jewellery ysart
Caithness Jewellery and Related Items, , the Caithness range of jewellery Part-2symcox-v1212016-julcaithness jewellery thimbles
Can Anyone Helpan unknown concentric paperweightgiles-r1232017-marunknown
Can Anyone Help; Bird, , an unknown bird paperweighteditor1252017-novlauscha murano unknown
Can Anyone Help?unknown paperweight to identifybevan1342020-novunknown
Can It Be Restored?too bad to restore?cummings-i1252017-novrestoration
Candy for the Eyes, connections between paperweights & foodmaroschek-e1032010-auglatticinio millefiori
Cape Cod Glassworks, , a trip to Cape Cod and Wheaton villagewebber-d0892005-decburchfield cape-cod pairpoint
Captain Pugwash – or is it?, , an unknown weight bought at auctionanderson0832003-decbarovier franchini garibaldi
Celebrate the Paperweight, Selman weekend celebrating paperweightschambers-t1282018-novauction selman
Celebrate the Paperweight Weekend, , a paperweight weekend in Chicagochambers-t1172015-marrubloff selman weekend
Celebrating Fifty Years in Paperweights Pt-1, Selman’s 50th anniversaryselman-l1312019-novauction selman
Celebrating Fifty Years in Paperweights Pt-2, , Selman’s 50th anniversaryselman-l1322020-marauction pantin selman
Ceres Sulphide Paperweights, , , sulphides containing Ceres goddessbarton-j1312019-novclichy sulphide val-st-lambert vsl
Changes at Deacons Glassreduction in furnace times at Deacons Glasscarter-d1272018-juldeacons
Changes at Deacons Glass Pt-1new Deacons studiocarter-d1322020-mardeacons
Changing Face of Collecting, the move to sell paperweights onlinewebber-d0922006-decantique-dealer ebay
China…or maybe elsewhere, , paperweights possibly made in Chinathornton-a1162014-novchina low-domed thuringian
Clichy and Paperweights at the Great Exhibition, , the Great Exhibition in London in 1851hall-b0872005-aprclichy crystal-palace exhibition
Clichy Bell Pull, , a decorative Clichy bell pullanderson1212016-julbell-pull clichy scramble
Clichy Miniature Moss Carpet Ground, , the hunt for a particular Clichy miniaturesugarman-s1142014-aprclichy miniature moss-ground
Clichy Moss Grounds, Clichy moss ground paperweights at auctioncummings-i1292019-marclichy moss-ground
Closepack Gallery, 16 closepacks from various makersthornton-a1012009-novclose-millefiori closepack
Closepacks, In a Traditional Style, , closepacks made in Muranomaroschek-e0962008-aprclosepack murano paul-ysart
Clover Connection Continued Part 1, , links between Ysart’s clover weightsholt-k0822003-augclover shamrock ysart
Clover Connection Continued Part 2, , links between Ysart’s clover weightsholt-k0832003-decclover shamrock ysart
Club News 075, a review of club eventseditor0752001-apragm christmas-party
Club News 076a review of club eventseditor0762001-augmayauel-ward
Club News 077, a review of club eventseditor0772001-decgarden-party scottish-trip
Club News 078, , a review of club eventseditor0782002-aprchristmas-party pca perthshire
Club News 079, , a review of club eventseditor0792002-augbroadfield manson meetings
Club News 080, a review of club eventseditor0802002-decanniversary garden-party
Club News 081, a review of club eventseditor0812003-aprnec-exhibition scotland
Club News 082, a review of club eventseditor0822003-augmeetings name-change
Club News 083, a review of club eventseditor0832003-decgarden-party venice
Club News 084, , a review of club eventseditor0842004-apragm name-change simon-cottle
Club News 085, , a review of club eventseditor0852004-augbroadfield manson phoenix
Club News 086, a review of club eventseditor0862004-decbroadfield paperweight-day
Club News 087, a review of club eventseditor0872005-aprmillefiori-canes peter-mcdougall
Club News 088, a review of club eventseditor0882005-augbroadfield olympia
Club News 089, , a review of club eventseditor0892005-decbroadfield jim-hart olympia
Club News 090, , a review of club eventseditor0902006-apragm christmas-party website
Club News 091, , a review of club eventseditor0912006-augdumps meetings peter-sellers
Club News 092, a review of club eventseditor0922006-decdavid-hurry garden-party
Club News 093, , a review of club eventseditor0932007-aprbroadfield museum st-louis
Club News 094, a review of club eventseditor0942007-auggarden-party holmes
Club News 095, a review of club eventseditor0952007-decold-english perthshire
Club News 096, , a review of club eventseditor0962008-aprbroadfield salazar wheaton
Club News 097, , a review of club eventseditor0972008-augagm archive von-brackel
Club News 098, a review of club eventseditor0982008-novgarden-party mike-hunter
Club News 105, a review of club eventseditor1052011-aprgolding mayauel-ward
Club News 106, a review of club eventseditor1062011-augbroadfield holmes
Club News 107, , a review of club eventseditor1072011-novcaithness macintosh nowson
Club News 108, a review of club eventseditor1082012-aprdeacons jonathan-harris
Club News 109, a review of club eventseditor1092012-augmacnaught manson
Club News 110, , a review of club eventseditor1102012-novbroadfield dave-moir id-clinic
Club News 111, , , a review of club eventseditor1112013-apragm christmas dauby duck
Club News 112, , a review of club eventseditor1122013-augbroadfield holmes ysart-family
Club News 113, a review of club eventseditor1132013-novbergstrom-mahler gordon-smith
Club News 114, a review of club eventseditor1142014-apragm gordon-taylor
Club News 115, , a review of club eventseditor1152014-augbroadfield golding whitefriars
Club News 116a review of club eventseditor1162014-novjim-brown
Colin Terris Memorabilia, , a copy of the 1994 Reflections Newslettersimmonds-j0912006-augcaithness ephemera reflections
Collecting Paperweights 50 Years Ago, , auction changes over 50 yearscarter-g1332020-julauction baccarat bacchus
Come to a Meeting for a Bargain, , finding a bargain at PCC meetingsgraham-t1172015-marjim-brown paul-ysart whitefriars
Commemorative Paperweights Pt-1, weights commemorating major eventsgiles-r1022010-aprbigaglia commemorative
Commemorative Paperweights Pt-2weights commemorating major eventsgiles-r1032010-augcommemorative
Commemorative Paperweights Pt-3, , weights commemorating various eventsgiles-r1052011-aprcaithness perthshire wedgewood
Confessions of a Paperweight Wife, , learning to love paperweightsklemer0762001-augconvention corning museum
Confessions of A(non) Collector, , a non-collector admits to collectinganon1002009-augbuttons convention miniature
Cracks – A Collector’s Nightmare, what causes cracks in paperweightsmaroschek-e0992009-aprannealing incompatability
Craig Deacons Miniatures, , miniature weights from Craig Deaconsburke-s0952007-decdeacons double-overlay miniature
Cream Tops with Paperweights, a new hobby – collecting cream tops!seelentag-w1062011-augcaithness cream-tops
Crowning Glory, , a New England Glass Company crownsymcox-v1232017-marcrown-weight negc new-england-glass
D & G Scrutton and Parabelle, , a profile of Doris & Gary Scruttoncarter-c1192015-novclichy parabelle scrutton
Darras Auction of Antique Paperweights, , the collection of Georges Darras at auctiondauby-c1192015-novboisgirard-antonini clichy pantin
Deacons Yelverton Paperweights, , a Yelverton weight with a ‘Y’ canebevan1022010-apry-cane deacons overlay
Dealer Profile – John Hood, , profile of paperweight dealerhood-j0742000-decdealer john-hood shenton
Dealer Profile – Marion Langham, profile of a paperweight dealerlangham0772001-decdealer marion-langham
Dealer Profile – Nancy Alfano, , , profile of a paperweight dealeralfano-n0812003-aprdealer nancy-alfano portia rubloff
Dealer Profile – Stone Gallery, , , profile of a paperweight dealermarshall0752001-aprburford dealer marshall perthshire
Dealer Profile – Sweetbriar Gallery, , profile of a paperweight dealermetcalfe-a0792002-augcollectors dealer sweetbriar
Defying Gravity, a DVD about making a mega paperweightcarter-d0962008-aprcorning josh-simpson
Destruction of a Clichy, cutting the canes out of a Clichy miniaturecarter-d1062011-augcanes clichy
Diderot, D’Alembert…, a book with reproductions of engravingscarter-d0932007-aprengravings reproductions
Disappointment, disappointing response to an articleking1022010-aprcommissioned-weights perthshire
Don’t Trust the Label, a Bacchus misattributioncummings-i1312019-novmisattribution old-english
Early Chinese Paperweights, , Chinese paperweights ca. 1920-1930preston0982008-novchinese chinese-whites copies
Early Pre-Production Paperweights from St Louis, , a study of very early St Louis paperweightssugarman-s0992009-aprsignature-cane sl st-louis
Early Ysart Canes Pt-1, , a series illustrating early Ysart canes Part-1holt-k1222016-novsalvador-ysart vasart ysart-brothers
Early Ysart Canes Pt-2, identifying early Paul Ysart canesholt-k1232017-marcanes paul-ysart
Early Ysart Canes Pt-3, identifying early Paul Ysart canesholt-k1242017-julcanes paul-ysart
Editorial & Club News 117, a review of club eventseditor1172015-markari-moodie vic-bamforth
Editorial & Club News 118, a review of club eventseditor1182015-julbroadfield vic-bamforth
Editorial & Club News 119, a review of club eventseditor1192015-novpeter-mcdougall timothy-harris
Editorial & Club News 120, a review of club eventseditor1202016-markevin-holt ysart-canes
Editorial & Club News 121, a review of club eventseditor1212016-julbroadfield deacons
Editorial & Club News 122, a review of club eventseditor1222016-novmargaret-preston portland-vase
Editorial & Club News 123, a review of club eventseditor1232017-marpcc pcc-meeting
Editorial & Club News 124, , a review of club eventseditor1242017-julkordasiewicz pcc pcc-meeting
Editorial & Club News 125, a review of club eventseditor1252017-novpcc pcc-meeting
Editorial & Club News 126, a review of club eventseditor1262018-marpcc pcc-meeting
Editorial & Club News 127, a review of club eventseditor1272018-julpcc pcc-meeting
Editorial & Club News 128, a review of club eventseditor1282018-novpcc pcc-meeting
Editorial & Club News 129, a review of club eventseditor1292019-marpcc richard-golding
Editorial & Club News 130, a review of club eventseditor1302019-julloesel pcc
Editorial & Club News 131, a review of club eventseditor1312019-novpcc pcc-meeting
Editorial & Club News 132, a review of club eventseditor1322020-marpantin pcc
Editorial & Club News 133, a review of club eventseditor1332020-julpcc roses
Editorial & Club News 134, , a review of club eventseditor1342020-novbohemia navratil pcc
Egermann Sulphides, , , sulphide weights and date canes by Egermanncummings-i1252017-novbohemia date-cane egermann sulphide
Encased Double Overlay Old English Bottle, , an unusual Old English bottlethornton-a1152014-augbacchus old-english richardson
Eureka!, , discovering the attraction of paperweightsburke-s0892005-decdeacons manson peter-mcdougall
Europe United?, paperweight with tricolour flagssmale-t1292019-marflags tricolour
European Royalty in Sulphidessulphides depicting Austrian & German royaltycummings-i1342020-novsulphide
Experimental & One-off Whitefriars, , an overview of some rare Whitefriarsaldridge-j0772001-decexperimental one-off whitefriars
F.M.B. President 1958, , paperweights attributed to Pilkingtonsimmonds-j0972008-augpilkington spatter uv-fluorescence
Fair Weather for a Garden Party, a PCC meeting with Chris Sherwinslater-a1312019-novchris-sherwin pcc-meeting
Fairy Paperweights, , paperweights containing a fairywebber-d1192015-novcaithness harry-mckay scott
Fake Baccarat Marks, , , Murano paperweights with fake markseditor0942007-augbaccarat fake marks murano
Fame at Last, filming a TV programme about paperweightsking0762001-augcollectors tv-programmes
Favourite Millefiori Canes, , a collector’s favourite millefiori canesmaroschek-e1182015-julst-mande strathearn vasart
Fieldings Auction – Snakes, Skips…, , a strange tale of antique paperweightsthornton-a1222016-novfieldings guggenheim st-louis
Fighting the Erosion, , the lack of information on modern weightsboyron-s1042010-novcaithness strathearn whitefriars
Fine Feathered Friends, , Robert Burns sulphide with garlandmahoney-c0742000-decgarland sulphide ysart
Fine Feathered Friends – Reply, Editor’s reply to a previous articlehall-b0752001-aprpaul-ysart salvador-ysart
Fish in Paperweights, , various fish design paperweightsmaroschek-e1252017-novfish manson paul-ysart
Flame at Last, , learning how to make a paperweightthornton-a0842004-aprcanes lampwork manson
Fluorescence, a useful tool in paperweight identificationpreston0752001-aprfluorescence uv-lamp
Fluorescing Can Bring Surprises, identifying weights using UV lightwebber-d0792002-augfluorescence ultra-violet
Four Old Butterfly Paperweights, , , examples of old butterfly paperweightsbarton-j1262018-marbohemia butterflies butterfly butterfly-cane
French…or Bohemian?, , a Bohemian nosegay?dauby-c1222016-novclichy egermann nosegay
French…or Bohemian? – continued, a Clichy-style bouquet with Egermann canemattes-g1272018-julbohemia egermann
From Little Acorns, how a collection startedcary0752001-aprcar-boot-sale collection
From Poland to Pantin, , , thoughts on a lizard vaseholt-k0872005-aprgalle harrach lizard pantin
From Russia with Love, , a discovery about Russian plaque weightsmaroschek-e1052011-aprlusatia maltsov plaque
Genesis of a Collection, , , , , paperweights from the collection of Paul Dunlopcummings-i1242017-julbacchus dunlop igw islington silesian st-mande
German Blossom Cane Paperweights, , examples of German blossom paperweightsreneau-d1302019-julblossom germany von-brackel
Getting it Wrong!, , , misattribution of a Perthshire paperweightcummings-i1262018-marauction date-cane misattribution perthshire
Give a Dog a Bone, a dog portrayed in a paperweightratcliffe-a0982008-novdog essex-crystal
Glamour in Nature; Butterflies…, , , butterflies in paperweightsmaroschek-e1102012-novbaccarat bohemia butterfly ysart
Glassmaking – Perth Glassmakers Pt-3, , the heyday of glassmaking around Perthcarter-d1042010-novstrathearn teachers vasart
Glassmaking around Perth Pt-1, , , early days of glassmaking around Perthcarter-d1022010-aprmonart moncrieff perth ysart
Glassmaking around Perth Pt-2, , , post war glassmaking around Perthcarter-d1032010-augcaithness jokelson monart ysart
Glynn Vivian Paperweight Collection, , paperweights in a Swansea gallerymassey0762001-augglynn-vivian museum swansea
Going, Going – Gone!reporting the increase in auction chargescummings-i1272018-julauction
Goodbye Poem, , a poem to mark the sale of a collectionanderson1012009-novlampwork millefiori sulphide
Gordon Smith Visits Germany, Gordon meets members in Germanycummings-i1132013-novgermany gordon-smith
Great Finds, finding a Salvador Ysart floating butterflywright-e0782002-aprbutterfly salvador-ysart
Hallelujah – Bargain of the Week, Baccarat pansy at church bazaarbrown-r0742000-decbaccarat pansy
Handle with Care!, , , Murano looses its independancemaroschek-e1132013-novmurano rooster sarpellon venice
Harland, a 1972 newspaper article about Harlandcarter-d0912006-augmanson paul-ysart
High Quality Murano Paperweights, disappointing trip to the island of Muranohall-b1022010-aprmurano roberta-benetti
Hoist the Flag, , a little odyssey of attributionmaroschek-e1012009-novval-st-lambert vsl whitefriars
How My Husband Caught…, , becoming a paperweight collectorthornton-h0812003-aprarculus baccarat ebay
How the Paperweight Got…, , the development of the Whitefriar canegraham-t1212016-julbaxter decora whitefriars
Hunting the Daisy Cane, , daisy canes in millefiori paperweightsmaroschek-e0912006-augdaisy-cane monart paul-ysart
I Wanted a St Louis, , Drew Ebelhare and his “Nostalgia” seriesebelhare-d0952007-deccanes nostalgia st-louis
I’ve Seen the Light, , glass candlesticks from various makershall-b0852004-augcandlesticks vasart walsh-walsh-2
Identifying Richardson Paperweights, new findings about Richardson weightsthornton-a0902006-aprold-english richardson
If Only They Could Talk, a quality weight but who made it?thornton-a0902006-aprsquare-tube starfish-canes
In Days Gone By, , a Walsh-Walsh millefiori oil lamphall-b0832003-decarculus oil-lamp walsh-walsh-2
In the Beginning – CPC Genesis, , , , the beginnings of the PCCanderson0752001-aprcpc dennis-gould exhibition friars-house-2 pat-reilly
In The Beginning; The Origins of…, the beginings of the Cambridge Glass Fairglover-c1052011-aprchilford glass-fair
International Paperweight Weekend in Cologne, , a paperweight weekend in Colognethornton-a1062011-augdealers-fair rhine von-brackel
Investing in Paperweights, , A guide to buying paperweightsmetcalfe-a0742000-decantique buying guide
Invisible Powers, weak radiation in paperweightsmaroschek-e0982008-novuranium-glass vaseline-glass
IoW Glass Studio & Museum, the Arreton Isle of Wight glass studiogiles-r1242017-julisle-of-wight museum
Islington Mantle Ornaments, finding an Islington mantle ornamentjohnson-t0772001-decislington mantle-ornaments
Islington Update, , more information about Islingtonthornton-a1112013-aprigw islington rice-harris
Islington, An Important New Find, , an extremely important new closepackhall-b0812003-aprigw islington whorl-cane
It Can Be Easy To Be Misleaddon’t be mislead by similar signature caneswebber-d1182015-julsignature-cane
It Comes in Colours, , harlequin paperweightsmaroschek-e0902006-aprcaithness harlequin paul-ysart
It Was Only Thirty Years Or So That…, , looking through old auction catalogueshallb0832003-deccatalogues delomosne spinks
It’s a Man’s World Pt-1, the role of women working in glassfaulkner1192015-novgraydon-stannus stourbridge
It’s a Man’s World Pt-2, , , the role of women working in glass Part-2faulkner1202016-margertrude-gentile melissa-ayotte siddy-langley sue-fox
J Glass Brochures 1978 & 1979, images of 2 J Glass brochuresthornton-a1132013-novdeacons j-glass
John Deacons – 60 Not Out!, profile of John Deacons and Craigcarter-d1062011-augdeacons j-glass
John Deacons Collector Weights, , a piedouche and a butterfly in a basketcarter-d1142014-aprbasket deacons piedouche
John Deacons Collectors Weights, , , a Clichy style spiral & lampwork pansycarter-d1122013-augdeacons gather lampwork spiral
John Deacons Flower in the Rain, , making a ‘Fower in the Rain’ paperweightcarter-d1152014-augbubbly-mould deacons murano
John Deacons Piedouche Paperweight, the steps involved in making a piedouchecarter-d1182015-juldeacons piedouche
John Deacons Specials, , a millefiori bottle and a porthole weightcarter-d1132013-novbottle deacons porthole
John Gooderham 1930-2007, , remembering John Gooderhamcarter-d0932007-aprbuttons jewellery torch
Karlsthal – or Harrach, , , , paperweight with feather cane from Harrachcummings-i1242017-julbohemia carlsthal harrach karlsthal silesia
Karlsthal – or Harrach contd, , , , feather canes used in Harrach and Karslthal paperweightsmattes-g1262018-marbohemia carlsthal harrach karlsthal silesia
Karlsthal Paperweight Update, , , Franz Pohl’s ostrich feather canemattes-g1202016-marcarlsthal franz-pohl karlsthal von-brackel
King Farouk’s Paperweights, , sale of King Farouk’s paperweightsfaulkner1282018-novauction collection sothebys
Klimt and Millefiori, Flowers which clothe the meadows…mattes-g1182015-julklimt venetian-globe
L.H. Selman Moves to Chicago, , a well-known gallery relocatesmargaro-a1012009-novart-institute rubloff selman
Larger than Life, a heavyweight Arculus doorstopthornton-a1002009-augarculus doorstop
Letters Page, the dream of a paperweight museumeditor0752001-aprcollection museum
Life After Okra – Station Glass, , a new venture for Richard Goldinggolding-r1042010-novgolding okra station-glass
Like Waiting for a Bus, , candlesticks made by Strathearn/ Vasartklemer-z1272018-julcandlesticks strathearn vasart
Little Millefiori Miracles, , , merged colour canes in paperweightsmaroschek-e1242017-julcolour colours mike-hunter paul-ysart
Look at My Selkirks, , , super magnums made at Selkirk Glassboyron-s1162014-novholmes magnum selkirk ysart
Look into the Crystal Ball, , developments at Whitefriarsslingsby0772001-deccanes colours silhouette
Lots at Auction, , rare paperweights at auctionsimmonds-j1082012-aprbaccarat clichy st-louis
Make Peace Not Warthe origin of glass prism paperweightsmattes-g0882005-augglass-prism
Making a Marbrie, a demonstration at Broadfield Housecarter-d0952007-decholmes marbrie
Manson Open a Home Studio, , a new studio for Willie Mansonburke-s0952007-decglass-blanks manson studio
Meet the Collector: Dave Webber, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1052011-aprcaithness manson selkirk
Meet the Collector: Derek Carter, , collectors and their collectionsthornton-h1132013-novdeacons derek-carter manson
Meet the Collector: Gerd Mattes, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1202016-marbigaglia harrach josephinenhutte
Meet the Collector: Humphrey Yorke, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1102012-novperthshire rosenfeld scott
Meet the Collector: John Simmonds, , , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1162014-novjohn-simmonds negc new-england-glass st-mande
Meet the Collector: Roger Coe, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1182015-julcaithness roger-coe selkirk
Meet the Collector: Roy Brown, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1152014-augpaul-ysart roy-brown whitefriars
Meet the Collector: Sylvia Festa, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1192015-novgondek murano sylvia-festa
Meet the Collectors: the Giles, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1082012-aprmurano perthshire ysart
Meet the Collectors: the Thorntons, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1112013-apralan-thornton arculus old-english
Meet the Collectors: the Wilkinsons, , collectors and their collectionscarter-d1172015-mardeacons trabucco wilkinson
Meeting Paul Ysart, Alison Clarke meets Paul Ysartcarter-d1122013-augalison-clarke paul-ysart
Members Respond, PCC members respond to articlescummings-i1262018-marmurano st-louis
Members Respond, PCC members respond to articlescummings-i1272018-julmillefiori-clothing perthshire
Members Weights, , pictures of weights submitted by memberseditor1002009-augcaithness clichy perthshire
Mid-West Paperweight Makers, , an introduction to Mid-west makersmclanahan0762001-augdegenhart ice-pick st-clair
Millefiori – A Note from 1842, an article in an Austrian newspapermaroschek-e1092012-augdr-fuss-2 millefiori
Millefiori Cane Design Pt-1, , , general principles of millefiori cane designthornton-a1082012-aprcomplex design pattern simple
Millefiori Cane Design Pt-2, , star/cog canes and Baccarat millefiorithornton-a1092012-augenglish-style baccarat maltsov
Millefiori Cane Design Pt-3 Islington, , an update on Islington paperweightsthornton-a1102012-novigw islington stave-basket
Millefiori Cane Design Pt-4 Starfish, more starfish cane paperweightsthornton-a1112013-aprsquare-tube starfish-canes
Millefiori Cane Design Pt-5 Seashells, , canes in the seashells picturethornton-a1122013-augislington seashells stave-basket
Millefiori Cane Design Pt-6 Unknown Group, , a paperweight group of unknown originthornton-a1142014-aprlead-crystal old-english unknown
Miniatures to Marbles Exhibition, , paperweight day at Broadfield Housethornton-a0942007-augbroadfield marble miniature
Mistaken Murano, , a Clichy concentric listed as Muranocummings-i1202016-marclichy murano roses
Modern St Louis Date Canes Pt-1, modern St Louis date canesfaulkner-n1312019-novdate-cane st-louis
Modern St Louis Date Canes Pt-2, modern St Louis date canesfaulkner-n1322020-mardate-cane st-louis
Modern St Louis Date Canes Pt-3, , modern St Louis date canesfaulkner-n1332020-juldate-cane engravings st-louis
Momentous Times for Sweetbriar, , a gallery moves to new premisesmetcalfe-a0822003-augdealer frodsham sweetbriar
Monart Vase Paperweight, Monart Vase weight from Paul Ysartturner-i0792002-augmonart ysart
Monart Vase Weights, , , various Monart vases in paperweightsmahoney-c0922006-decbouquet monart paul-ysart vase
Moncrieff History Re-written, , new information about the Ysart familycarter-d1112013-aprmoncrieff paul-ysart salvador-ysart
More Antique Silhouette Date Evidence, silhouettes in 1846 St Louis paperweightsimmonds-j1102012-novsilhouette-canes st-louis
More Islington Connections, mantle ornaments possibly from Islingtonmowatt-p0872005-aprislington mantle-ornaments
More New Findings, new discoveries about clover leaf weightshall-b0782002-aprclover moncrieff
More on the Jack Allan Bohemian Canes, Bohemian canes in Jack Allan paperweightscarter-d1342020-novjack-allan strathearn
More Ysart Butterflies, , paperweights by Paul Ysart with butterfly canesfaulkner-n1292019-marbutterflies butterfly-cane paul-ysart
More Ysart Information, , new information about Ysart Bros & Vasartcarter-d1132013-novevangeline-bergstrom jokelson ysart-brothers
Murano Curiosity, an unusual Murano trinket boxsimmonds-j0892005-decmillefiori murano
Murano Paperweights before 1950, , , history of Murano paperweights before 1950thornton-a1292019-maraustria bigaglia fratelli-toso murano
Murano Revisited, , glass sculptures on the island of Muranolindsay-j0972008-augchinese murano sculptures
Murrine Madness, , a murrine vase by Mike Hunterhunter-m1312019-novmike-hunter murrine vase
My Adrenaline Rush, early steps in collecting paperweightsmann0752001-aprbaccarat snail
My Best Buy – or Two, finding paperweight bargainsbevan0762001-augclichy st-louis
My Favourite Fish Paperweights, , , various fish paperweights by American makerschambers-t1282018-novamerican fish rosenfeld salazar
My First Meeting, , a collector attends his first PCC meetingcollins-s0862004-decebay manson pcc-meeting
My Foundation Year at Strathearn, , John Deacons time working at Strathearndeacons-j0852004-augmonart strathearn teachers
My Life in NatureMelissa Ayotte discusses her workmelissa-ayotte1282018-novmelissa-ayotte
Mystery Solved, a hand painted plaque weightcarter-d0972008-augmosser-glass tom-mosser
Mystery Weight with Monograman unknown weight with a monogramfesta-s1252017-novunknown
National Trust Paperweights, , paperweights in National Trust propertiessimmonds-j0982008-novbaccarat paul-ysart venetian
New Bacchus – Enigma or Variation, , the problems of correct attributionsanders0862004-decbacchus inkwell red-house
New Book by Bernd-Ingo Friedrich, , German frigger paperweightseditor1282018-novfrigger germany glassworks
New England Paperweights in Florida, , , a paperweight collection in Floridahall-b0882005-augbs bigaglia negc new-england-glass
New Findings, thoughts on a rare clover leaf paperweighthall-b0772001-decclover ysart
New Finds Gallery, discoveries by PCC memberseditor0972008-augstrathearn walsh-walsh-2
New Finds Gallery, , discoveries by PCC memberseditor0962008-aprarculus silesian strathearn
New Finds Gallery, , discoveries by PCC memberseditor0982008-novgentile-glass locomotive painted
New Finds: Antique St Louis, , recent discoveries by PCC membersfaulkner-n1202016-marmagnum overlay st-louis
New Finds: Antique St Louis, recent discoveries by PCC membersthornton-a1262018-marst-louis vase
New Finds: Arculus & Ysart, , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor0932007-aprarculus mike-hunter paul-ysart
New Finds: Bacchus & Ysart, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1002009-augbacchus paul-ysart
New Finds: Bohemian Butterfly, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1242017-julbohemia bohemian butterfly
New Finds: Bohemian Lampwork, recent discoveries by PCC membersmattes-g1282018-novaustria bohemia
New Finds: Bussolin, , , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1292019-marbohemia bussolin silesia von-brackel
New Finds: Chinese, recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1272018-julchina chinese
New Finds: Clichyrecent discoveries by PCC membersfaulkner-n1332020-julclichy
New Finds: Clichy & Salvador Ysart, , , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1242017-julclichy pantin salvador-ysart unknown
New Finds: Egermann, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1232017-marbohemia bohemian egermann
New Finds: Egermann, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1292019-marbohemia bohemian egermann
New Finds: Egermann, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1322020-marbohemia egermann sodden-snow
New Finds: Factory 8, , , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1302019-julfactory-8 rose roses von-brackel
New Finds: Factory 8, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1322020-marbohemia factory-8 silesia
New Finds: German Marble, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1092012-augmarble millefiori-canes silesia
New Finds: Graeserrecent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1262018-maramerican
New Finds: Harrach & Thuringian, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1182015-julharrach lauscha thuringia
New Finds: Jack Allan, recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1332020-juljack-allan strathearn
New Finds: Modern St Louis, an unrecorded St Louis marbrieeditor1032010-augmarbrie st-louis
New Finds: Modern St Louis, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1042010-novspaced-millefiori st-louis
New Finds: Modern St Louis, recent discoveries by PCC membersfaulkner-n1202016-maroverlay st-louis
New Finds: Muranorecent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1262018-marmurano
New Finds: Murano Flower, recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1282018-novflowers murano
New Finds: Old English Bottle, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1032010-augold-english queens-head-cane
New Finds: Pantin, , recent discoveries by PCC membersdauby-c1302019-julflowers miniature pantin
New Finds: Pantin, recent discoveries by PCC membersdauby-c1312019-novpantin rose
New Finds: Perthshire, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1142014-aprperthshire silhouette-canes
New Finds: Peter Holmes, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1092012-augholmes star-cut-base
New Finds: Richardson, recent discoveries by PCC membersfaulkner-n1272018-julold-english richardson
New Finds: Riedel, recent discoveries by PCC membersmaroschek-e1202016-marclosepack riedel
New Finds: Riedel & Ysart Butterfly, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1062011-augmica-ground riedel salvador-ysart
New Finds: Salvador Ysart Bottle, recent discoveries by PCC membersfaulkner-n1042010-novsalvador-ysart ysart-brothers
New Finds: St Louis & St Kilda, , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1062011-augperfume-bottle st-kilda st-louis
New Finds: St Louis Piedouche, , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1062011-augconcentric piedouche st-louis
New Finds: St Mandé, recent discoveries by PCC membersthornton-a1012009-novshard-rose st-mande
New Finds: St Mandé, recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1212016-julscramble st-mande
New Finds: Strathearn, recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1252017-novexperimental strathearn
New Finds: Strathearn, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1252017-novperthshire strathearn unknown
New Finds: Thuringian, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1252017-novbohemia lauscha thuringia
New Finds: Thuringian, , , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1262018-marbohemia lauscha riesengebirge thuringia
New Finds: Thuringian & Old English, , recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1192015-novold-english richardson thuringia
New Finds: Unknown, recent discoveries by PCC memberssmale-t1152014-augkordasiewicz von-brackel
New Finds: Val St Lambert, , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor0942007-augbelgium val-st-lambert vsl
New Finds: Various, , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1072011-novclichy paul-ysart st-louis
New Finds: Various, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1052011-aprperthshire salvador-ysart
New Finds: Various, , , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1092012-augharlequin perthshire vasart ysart
New Finds: Various, , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1102012-novchenee clichy strathearn
New Finds: Various, , , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1132013-novarculus bacchus bigaglia lauscha
New Finds: Various, , recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1142014-aprbacchus riedel st-louis
New Finds: Vasart & Riedel, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1112013-aprriedel vasart
New Finds: Venini, recent discoveries by PCC membersstammwitz-a1252017-novmurano venini
New Finds: Ysartrecent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1062011-augpaul-ysart
New Finds: Ysart & Josephine, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1112013-aprjosephinenhutte ysart-bottle
New Finds: Ysart Family, recent discoveries by PCC memberseditor1082012-aprpaul-ysart ysart-brothers
New Glass Museumnew French glass museumdemory-j-l1272018-julmuseum
New Venture at Deacons Glass, engraving venture for Deacons glasscarter-d1332020-juldeacons engravings
Nice Paperweight; Millefiori with Glitter, a Bussolin ebay findstammwitz-a1342020-novbussolin von-brackel
No Signature, No Purchase, , getting a vase signed in Muranowright-e0832003-decanfora murano venice
Not Only Paperweight Makers, a wedding anniversary giftpetrie-a0952007-decdeacons loving-cup
Notes from a Convention, , the 2005 PCA Convention in Appletonklemer0882005-augbergstrom-mahler mrs-a-a mrs-applewhaite-abbott
Notes from a Convention, the PCA 2007 Conventionklemer0942007-augconvention rhode-island
Now You See It, two optical illusions in paperweightscarter-d0892005-decmurano vasart
Obituary: Anne Andersonremembering Anne Andersonfaulkner1232017-maranne-anderson
Obituary: Bernd Horst, remembering Bernd Horsteditor1152014-augbernd-horst weights-n-things
Obituary: Beth Birchremembering Beth Bircheditor1342020-novpcc
Obituary: Bob Hallremembering Bob Halleditor1312019-novbob-hall
Obituary: Colin Terris, remembering Colin Terriseditor0902006-aprcaithness colin-terris
Obituary: David Hunter, remembering David Huntereditor1172015-mardavid-hunter yelverton
Obituary: Dennis Gould, remembering Dennis Gouldfaulkner1182015-juldennis-gould friars-house-2
Obituary: Eric Wrightremembering Eric Wrighteditor1102012-noveric-wright
Obituary: Franco Toffolo, , remembering Franco Toffoloeditor1142014-aprcaithness deacons frano-toffolo
Obituary: Fred Daden, remembering Fred Dadeneditor1142014-aprfred-daden whitefriars
Obituary: Humphrey Yorkeremembering Humphrey Yorkefaulkner1262018-marpcc
Obituary: Kevin Mooreremembering Kevin Mooreeditor1342020-novpcc
Obituary: Neil Drysdale, remembering Neil Drysdaleeditor0762001-augdrysdale perthshire
Obituary: Paul Jokelson, , , remembering Paul Jokelsonhall-b0812003-aprbaccarat jokelson pca st-louis
Obituary: Peter von Brackel, , remembering Peter von Brackeleditor1162014-novclassic-paperweights historicism von-brackel
Old English – Another Group Classification, classifying Old English paperweightspreston0932007-aprold-english richardson
Old English – New Ideas Part-1, , , history of Old English factoriesthornton-a1322020-marbacchus islington old-english queens-head
Old English – New Ideas Part-2, new groups of Old English OE1-OE6 including ‘B’ canethornton-a1332020-julb-cane old-english
Old English – New Ideas Part-3, , , exploring Bacchus and Gillinder theoriesthornton-a1342020-novbacchus gillinder old-english queens-head
Old English – Some New Classifications, , new groups of Old English weightsthornton-a0892005-decarculus richardson walsh-walsh-2
Old English Miniature Paperweights, , true miniatures or bottle stoppers?thornton-a1172015-mararculus richardson walsh-walsh-2
Old Finnish Paperweights, paperweights made in Finland’s glassworksalhava-a1082012-aprbottle-glass window-glass
Old Habits Are Hard to Break, , glass terms explainedhunter-m1272018-julglassblower mike-hunter murrine
On a Pedestal, , paperweights set on pedestalsmetcalfe-a0752001-aprbaccarat perthshire st-louis
On the Wrong Track!locating a glass factory in Veniceeditor1272018-julmurano
Organising a Small Exhibition, a small exhibition at a Glass Fairholt-k0942007-augexhibition olympia
Outgoing Chairman’s Report 2013, Chairman’s report at the AGMfaulkner1142014-aprbroadfield ysart-weekend
Overseas Mail Mysteryshipping abroad by boatcarter-d1302019-julx-ray
P. McDougall Closes His Studio, PMcD Studio closes downwebber-d1082012-aprperthshire peter-mcdougall
Painted Ladies, , unknown painted lady portraitssymcox-v1252017-novpainted pinchbeck unknown
Pantin Paperweights circa 1880Pantin faceted star-cut fruit weightdauby-c1342020-novpantin
Pantin Pear and Cherries, Pantin fruit weight at auctiondauby-c1152014-augbergstrom-mahler pantin
Pantin…again!, , , 2 rare Pantin paperweights at auctiondauby-c1212016-julboisgirard-antonini pansy pantin rose
Paperweight Collecting – The Next Generation, , on the passions of the collectorashton0822003-augmanson perthshire selkirk
Paperweight Heaven, announcing the new Facebook groupgiles-s1232017-marclichy internet
Paperweight Related Items, , types of paperweight-related itemsmaroschek-e1092012-augbeads jewellery mosaic-glass
Paperweight Related Jewellery, , micro mosaic and millefiori in jewellerymaroschek-e1132013-novcaithness jewellery micro-mosaic
Paperweight Restoration Live!, , the stages of repolishing a paperweightcarter-d0942007-auggrinding polishing restoration
Paperweight with Canes from Three Factories, , , a Perthshire weight with other factory caneswebber-d1252017-novjack-allan perthshire strathearn vasart
Paperweights Made in Styria, Austria Pt-1, , , a look at paperweights made in Austriamaroschek-e0902006-apraustria lampwork-flower souvenir-weights styria
Paperweights Made in Styria, Austria Pt-2, , paperweights made in Austria Part 2maroschek-e0932007-apraustria styria venetian
Paperweights or Glass Sculpture, , modern art glass designsashton0762001-augart-glass caithness colin-terris
Paperweights Signed with V, , , unknown and Variety Glass advertising weightswebber-d1242017-juladvertising advertising-weights tom-mosser unknown
Paul Ysart closepack bottle, , Ysart closepack canes on sodden snowthornton-a0992009-aprbottle paul-ysart sodden-snow
Paul Ysart Dark Grounds, , various types of translucent dark groundsmaroschek-e1212016-julpaul-ysart vasart ysart-brothers
Paul Ysart Fake PY Canes, , how to spot fake canesjohnson-t0742000-decfake paul-ysart py-canes
Paul Ysart Snake Weight, a snake paperweight by Paul Ysartgiles-r1232017-marpaul-ysart snake
PCA Convention 2001, , a report on the 2001 Conventionfaulkner0762001-augconvention corning museum
PCA Convention 2003, a report on the 2003 Conventionklemer0822003-augpca-convention san-antonio
PCA Convention 2005, , a report on the 2005 Conventionanderson0882005-augappleton bergstrom-mahler gillinder
PCA Convention 2007, a report on the 2007 Conventionthornton-h0942007-augconvention rhode-island
PCA Convention 2011, a report on the 2011 Conventionthornton-h1062011-augpca-convention washington
PCA Convention 2013, , a report on the 2013 PCA Conventionthornton-h1122013-augconvention new-orleans russian-plaque
PCA Convention 2015, , a report on the 2015 PCA Conventionthornton-h1182015-julconvention pca tacoma
PCA Convention 2017, , , a report on the 2017 Conventioncummings-i1242017-juldealers-fair norfolk-va pca-convention russian-ring
PCA Convention 2019, , a report on the 2019 Conventiongraham-h1302019-juldearborn pca-convention whitefriars
PCC Newsletter: A Useful Reference, a Bigaglia paperweight with letter Aeditor1292019-maraustria bigaglia
PCC Trip – Bavaria and Thuringia, , , a trip to glassmaking areas in Germanythornton-a1012009-novfrauenau lauscha theresienthal thuringia
PCC Trip to Bohemia & Silesia, , PCC trip to Poland & Czech Republichall-b0862004-deccarlsthal karlsthal riesengebirge
PCC Trip to France, , , , PCC visit to Francechambers-t1242017-jullalique loesel meisenthal pcc st-louis
PCC Trip to France, Germany…, , , a PCC trip taking in three countriesthornton-a0942007-augbaccarat st-louis val-st-lambert vsl
PCC, Not PPCC!, , collecting weights others tend to dismisssimons-e0892005-deccaithness chinese clichy
Perhaps Another Islington, a possible addition to the list of Islingtonssimmonds-j1192015-novislington stave-basket
Personalized Perthshire Paperweightspersonalised Perthshire weightsreneau-d1262018-marperthshire
Perthshire 2000 & 2001 Catalogues, Perthshire mid-year cataloguesthornton-a1152014-augcatalogues perthshire
Perthshire IoM Paperweight, , the mysterious Isle of Man paperweightwebber-d1212016-julcertificate perthshire whitefriars
Perthshire Masterpiece, , encased overlay weights from Perthshireking0782002-aprencased perthshire triple-overlay
Perthshire Paperweights – Commissioned, , commissioned weights made by Perthshireking0962008-aprperthshire selman swiss-bank
Perthshire Paperweights, Out of the Mainstream, , the development of a Christmas weightking0852004-augone-off perthshire prototype
Perthshire PP12, a Perthshire paperweight with inverted date canemaroschek-e1312019-novdate-cane perthshire
Perthshire PP5, a Perthshire PP5 design made for farfallamaroschek0972008-augfarfalla perthshire
Photographing Paperweights, tips on how to take good picturesthornton-a1012009-novdigital-camera translucent-box
Portuguese PaperweightsPortuguese paperweightsreneau-d1332020-julportuguese
Profile – Alastair MacIntosh, , profile of glassmaker Alastair MacIntoshmacintosh-a0862004-deccaithness canes mould
Profile – Allan Scott Pt-1, , a profile of lampworker Allan Scottcarter-d0982008-novjay-glass perthshire scott
Profile – Allan Scott Pt-2, , , profile of lampworker Allan Scott Pt-2carter-d0992009-aprcaithness scott shona-spittal wheaton
Profile – Cathy & Colin Richardson, profile of 2 paperweight makersthornton-a0992009-aprcathy-richardson colin-richardson
Profile – Damon MacNaught, a profile of glassmaker Damon MacNaughtthornton-a1042010-novbare-glass macnaught
Profile – Dave Moir, , profile of glassmaker Dave Moirhall-b0832003-decdave-moir strathearn ysart-family
Profile – David Hurry, a profile of glassmaker David Hurryhall-b0912006-augdavid-hurry vida-glass
Profile – Duncan Smith, a profile of lampworker Duncan Smithcarter-d0932007-aprduncan-smith perthshire
Profile – Ed & Margaret Burke, a profile of two glassmakerscarter-d0962008-aprem-glass sunderland-college
Profile – Franco Toffolo, , profile of a skilled glassmakerhall-b0892005-deccaithness murano venini
Profile – Herbert Dreier, , profile of glassmaker Herbert Dreierhall-b0822003-augcaithness herbert-dreier strathearn
Profile – Jim Donofrio, , profile of glass artist Jim Donofrioselman-l0812003-aprdonofrio flamework stankard
Profile – Jonathan Harris, a profile of glassmaker Jonathan Harriscarter-d0972008-augcameo stourbridge-college
Profile – Kent Helms, , profile of paperweight maker Kent Helmssimmonds-j0852004-augindiana mclanahan st-clair
Profile – Mavis Smith, , profile of an artist making murrinecarter-d0992009-aprbuttons mavis-smith miniature
Profile – Mayauel Ward, , short profile of glassmaker Mayauel Wardeditor1052011-apraquatic lampwork mayauel-ward
Profile – Michael Hunter, , , profile of glassmaker Michael Hunterhall-b0842004-aprlizard perfume-bottle twists-glass wedgewood
Profile – Ray Annenberg, , profile of cane maker Ray Annenberghall-b0842004-aprset-up silhouette whitefriars
Profile – Richard Golding, a profile of glassmaker Richard Goldingcarter-d0942007-auggolding okra
Profile – Richard Loesel, profile of paperweight maker Richard Loeselfaulkner1252017-novrichard-loesel st-louis
Profile – Rosette Fleming, a profile of designer Rosette Flemingwebber-d1122013-augcaithness rosette-fleming
Profile – Siddy Langley, a profile of glassmaker Siddy Langleycarter-d0922006-decpeter-layton siddy-langley
Profile – Travis Chaudoir, profile of an artist making murrinecarter-d1012009-novmurrine travis-chaudoir
Profile – Vic Bamforth, , profile of glassmaker Vic Bamforthcarter-d1002009-augcameo graal-glass red-house-cone
Project Perth, , a fascination with Ysart paperweightsholt-k0822003-augperth-museum vasart ysart
Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee, , weights commemorating royal eventspearson-m1082012-aprcaithness coronation whitefriars
Queen’s Head Silhouette Canes, a study of Queen’s Head silhouette canesthornton-a0992009-aprold-english queens-head
Randall Burnett, miniature weights from Randall Burnettcarter-d0962008-aprbuttons dichroic-glass
Rare & Unusual Vasart Cross Weight, , finding an unusual Vasart weightwright-e0802002-deccolour salvador-ysart vasart
Rare Bicoloured Baccarat Flower, a bi-coloured Baccarat flowerdauby-c1332020-julbaccarat flowers
Rare Crossed Keys Cane, , , specially commissioned Perthshire weightgiles-r0852004-auganniversary cross-keys perthshire swiss-bank
Rare Monart Doorstop, A heavyweight at collectors fairpetrie-a0742000-decdoorstop monart
Rare Salvador Ysart Frit Weights, documenting Salvador Ysart frit weightssimmonds-j1122013-augfrit-paperweights salvador-ysart
Rare St Louis Aventurine Ground, , a rare St Louis aventurine weightdauby-c1252017-novaventurine flowers st-louis
Rare Vasart Paperweight, , a commissioned Vasart paperweighthall-b0792002-augcommissioned-weight jack-allan vasart
Rare Vasart/Lassman Candleholders, , paperweight-related candleholderssimmonds-j1132013-novcandleholder lassman vasart
Rare Ysart Butterfly, Ysart butterfly with two signature caneshall-b0812003-aprbutterfly paul-ysart
Rebecca’s Ashes, , preserving a loved one’s asheswebber-d0942007-augashes flowers rose
Red Ground Gallery, , a gallery of weights with red groundsthornton-a1022010-aprred-ground solid translucent
Remember the Maine, , the sinking of the USS Mainesanders0862004-decfrigger uss-maine whimseys
Revamped Glass Gallerynew glass gallery in Perth Museumcarter-d1162014-novperth-museum
Riedl + R = Rare, , a signed Riedel closepack from Bohemiasimmonds-j0992009-aprr-signature riedel von-brackel
Roundels on a Carpet Ground, , making a popular John Deacons designcarter-d1202016-marcarpet-ground deacons roundels
Royal Anniversary Paperweights, celebrating the Queens 70 years of marriagegiles-r1262018-maranniversary mike-hunter
Ruskin Centre Development, phase 3 of the Ruskin Centre developmentcarter-d1122013-augruskin-centre webb-corbett
Russian Paperweights, , , Russian paperweights in Bonhams auctioneditor1082012-aprbonhams maltsov plaque seal
Salvador Ysart Crown, an unusual crown found on eBayjohnson-t0912006-augcrown-weight salvador-ysart
Salvador Ysart Flat Butterfly, , finding a rare Salvador Ysart butterflymaroschek-e1222016-novbutterfly salvador-ysart twists
Salvador’s Concentrics, , Vasart and Salvador Ysart concentricshall-b0792002-augsalvador-ysart vasart ysart-family
Sam and Mary, , personalized paperweightstaylor0762001-auglabel spatter sulphide
Scotland 400 Conference Report, , 400 years of glassmaking in Scotlandcarter-d1052011-aprconference scotland vasart
Scrambled Paperweights with Lampwork, , , various scrambles with flowers in designreneau-d1342020-novflowers negc new-england-glass scramble
Scratch signed Clichy 1825, the true identity of a weight signed Clichymaroschek-e1082012-aprclichy salvador-ysart
Seriously Beautiful, , an attempt to attribute two ewershall-b0892005-decharland moncrieff ysart
Shadows and Colours, explaining colour techniqueshunter-m1272018-julmike-hunter murrine
Signed Chinese Whitessigned Chinese white paperweightsreneau-d1302019-julchinese-whites
Silesian & Bohemian Glassworks, , , glassworks in the Riesengebirgekordasiewicz-m0842004-aprcarlsthal hoffnungsthal josephine karlsthal
So Who Was J. Byron Dolphin?, , a Val St Lambert weight with inscriptionthornton-a1142014-aprbyron-dolphin val-st-lambert vsl
Some Big Changes 2014, , a report from the Membership Secretaryyorke-h1142014-aprmeetings newsletter venues
Some Key Facts about Membership, , membership distribution 2013committee1142014-aprmeetings membership venues
Something to Celebrate, , , the 80th birthday of David Moirfaulkner1302019-juldave-moir deacons strathearn vasart
Spaced on Lace-Modern Examples, modern examples of spaced designsmaroschek-e1022010-aprgondek latticinio
Spokes and Ribbons, , spokes in Vasart, Strathearn & Perthshiremaroschek-e0912006-augcartwheel ribbons spoke-cane
St Andrews Paperweights, , , brand of weights for the American marketwebber-d1122013-augdeacons j-glass st-andrews sta
St Louis – History of the Honeycomb, modern honeycomb weights from St Louisfaulkner-n1002009-aughoneycomb st-louis
St Louis Honeycombs, , a miniature modern St Louis honeycombfaulkner-n1302019-julhoneycomb miniature st-louis
St Louis Paperweights 1951-1955 Pt-1, , , designs of St Louis paperweights 1951-1955faulkner-n1252017-novdate-cane signature-cane st-louis sulphide
St Louis Paperweights 1951-1955 Pt-2, , designs of St Louis paperweights 1951-1955faulkner-n1262018-mardate-cane signature-cane st-louis
St Louis Red Devil – Update, red devil silhouettes by St Louissimmonds-j1232017-marsilhouette st-louis
St Mandé Paperweights, , current information on St Mandé weightsfrere-p0792002-augroses st-mande uv-fluorescence
St Mandé Paperweights, , the canes in 4 St Mandé paperweightssimmonds-j1222016-novhidden-roses shard-rose st-mande
Station Glass Revisited, profile of Richard Golding & Station Glasscarter-d1072011-novgolding station-glass
Stop Shaking and Get Closer, tips for photographing paperweightsskinner0782002-aprphoto-box photography
Strathearn Lattice Ribbon Paperweight Creations, overview of special Strathearn creationsmore-r0832003-decherbert-dreier strathearn
Strathearn Lattice Ribbon Weight, , Strathearn weights made 1979-1980preston1212016-julherbert-dreier lattice-ribbon strathearn
Strathearn Sulphide Signed, , a Strathearn with crown sulphidethornton-a0832003-decjack-allan strathearn sulphide
Strathearn Sulphides, , two signed/dated Strathearn sulphidesmore-r0812003-aprstrathearn sulphide trial
Strathearns We Seldom See, history and examples of Strathearn paperweightswebber-d1272018-julstrathearn vasart
Tacoma Museum of Glass, , a visit to a glass museumchambers-t1192015-novchihuly hot-shop tacoma
Take a Second Look, unusual Thomas Webb paperweightssanders0842004-aprthomas-webb trumpet-flowers
Teddy Bear Paperweights, , paperweights containing teddy bearswebber-d1182015-julcaithness harry-mckay scott
The 2012 Portland Vase Project, creating a replica of the Portland vasecarter-d1102012-novcameo portland-vase
The 500-Year Old Venetian Curiosity, , a 16th century Venetian ball at auctionsugarman-s1192015-novbigaglia sarbellico venetian-ball
The Bee and the Pussycat, , moulded paperweights from Baccaratmaroschek-e1062011-augbaccarat intaglio pressed-glass
The Broughton Collection, the Broughton collection at Yelvertoncarter-d0962008-aprdavid-hunter yelverton
The Bubbly Mould, , the bubbly mould and its usescarter-d1172015-marbubbly-mould deacons gather
The Cambridge Glass Fair Autumn 2012, , a report on the Cambridge Glass Fairfaulkner1102012-novdumps exhibition lampwork
The Chinese Bought Paperweights, , trading paperweights in the 19th Centurymaroschek-e1042010-novbohemia china germany
The Collecting Bug, a passion for collecting thingsward-k0812003-aprsweetbriar whitefriars
The Devil is in the Detail, , an unexpected find in a restored weightfaulkner-n1212016-julred-devil silhouette st-louis
The Discovery of the Rosetta Paperweight, , silhouettes in French weight dated 1845sugarman-s1022010-aprbaccarat gridel st-louis
The End of a Search, , The “Flowers of Enchantment” seriescarter-d0932007-aprflowers gino-s murano
The Enigmatic Letter “J”, , different interpretations of lower case “j”mattes-g0912006-augbohemia josephinenhutte silesia
The First 100 Newsletters, the Newsletter since 1982thornton-h1002009-augcpc pcc
The Hemispherical Mould, the hemispherical mould and how it’s usedcarter-d1192015-novdeacons hemispherical-mould
The Hot Trail Leads To…, , new information on starfish cane weightsstammwitz-a1162014-novbelgium marie-henriette starfish
The Innovative Ayottes, new ideas for paperweightshall-b0872005-aprmelissa-ayotte rick-ayotte
The Lalique Museum, , , reporting PCC visit to Lalique museumfaulkner1262018-marjewellery lalique museum perfume-bottle
The Language of Flowers, , , the secret meaning of flowersanderson0842004-apranemone clematis pansy rose
The Liberated 3D Sulphide, , freeing a sulphide from a paperweight!mattes-g1112013-aprceramic sulphide von-brackel
The Lily of the Valley Family – continued, , , lily of the valley paperweights made in Francemaroschek-e1282018-novflowers french germany lily-of-the-valley
The Magical Mystery Tour continues…, more information about Yelvertoncarter-d0972008-augandy-moncrieff yelverton
The Mystery of the 1848 Date Cane, , a most unusual 1848 date canesugarman-s0982008-nov1848 baccarat date-cane
The National Glass Centre, the National Glass Centre, Sunderlandcarter-d0952007-decglass-shop hot-glass-studios
The New Ruskin Glass Centre, , transforming the old centre in Stourbridgecarter-d1082012-aprcollege craft-units ruskin-centre
The Old Chapel Gallery, , , gallery of Helen Millardgiles-r1272018-julcameo glassworks helen-millard museum
The Perthshire Collection 2002, pictures of the 2002 Perthshire weightscarter-d1012009-novcollection perthshire
The Pink Dahlia, , The search for a particular paperweightmoore-i0742000-deccrieff dahlia perthshire
The Queen’s Longest Reign Paperweight, , special commemorative paperweightsgiles-r1212016-julcaithness commemorative mike-hunter
The Successful Restoration of a Clichy Piedouche, , the repair on a Clichy piedouchedauby-c1162014-novclichy piedouche stave-basket
The Visit of Marechal Canrobert to Baccarat, weights commemorating a visit to Baccaratsugarman-s1082012-aprbaccarat marechal-canrobert
The Ysart Weekend, , , , a weekend devoted to the Ysart familyeditor1122013-augbroadfield holmes monart weekend ysart
Thoughts on Two Unusual Ysart Weights, , two Ysart weights sold on eBayholt-k1172015-marbutterfly paul-ysart salvador-ysart
Three Harland Harlequins, , harlequin weights by Paul Ysart Harland studiomaroschek-e1322020-marharland harlequin paul-ysart
Thuringian Paperweights, , , paperweights made in Thuringiastammwitz-a1212016-julfrit lampwork lauscha thuringian
Thuringian Plaque Paperweight, , an inscribed Thuringian weightsimmonds-j1252017-novlauscha thuringia von-brackel
Time to Remember…, commemorative and advertising weightsmaroschek-e0962008-apradvertising commemorative
To Grind or Not To Grind, the tricky topic of repolishing weightshall-b0782002-aprgrinding restoration
Too Good to be True, , following up a fraudulent eBay salethornton-a0922006-decbacchus ebay paypal
Top Secreta guilty admissionskinner0752001-aprchinese
Transatlantic Taste, , , , auction of the Leo Kaplan collectioncummings-i1282018-novauction clichy collection leo-kaplan st-louis
Triumph over Adversity-Wheaton 2010, report on the 2010 Paperweight Festthornton-h1032010-augpaperweight-fest wheaton
Triumphs and Tragedies, a masterclass with Willie Mansonmoore-k1022010-aprmanson masterclass
Tutankhamun, the Tutankhamun weights from St Louisaldridge-j0962008-aprdeath-mask exhibition
Twenty Five Years On, the PCC celebrates twenty five yearsgould-d0912006-augcambridge friars-house-2
Two Bs or Not Two Bs, Old English ‘B’ canes paperweightssymcox-v1322020-marb-cane old-english
Two Dated Bigaglia Weights, weights commemorating royal visitsmaroschek-e1002009-augbigaglia commemorative
Two Great Paperweight Finds, , fascinating discoveries at a PCC meetingjohnson-t0882005-augfrit monart salvador-ysart
Two Intaglio Weights from Bohemia, , Bohemian intaglio paperweightsmaroschek-e1272018-julbohemia bohemian intaglio
Two Interesting Items-Paul Ysart, , 2 Ysart paperweightsholt-k1072011-novcaithness harland paul-ysart
Two More Whitefriars Moulds, , the moulds for 2 Whitefriars designssimmonds-j1062011-augcaithness mould whitefriars
Two Rare Ysart Magnums, magnums made by Paul & Salvador Ysartsimmonds-j0822003-augpaul-ysart salvador-ysart
Two Unusual Advertising Weights, advertising paperweights made in Austriamattes-g1272018-juladvertising-weights austria
Two Unusual St Louis Paperweights, unusual modern St Louis designsfaulkner-n1152014-augcross-of-lorraine st-louis
Two Unusual Weights, , two unusual Scottish weightswebber-d1242017-juladvertising caithness perthshire
Two Very Rare Caithness Weights, , rare weights made by Allan Scottcarter-d1182015-julcaithness mickey-mouse scott
Two Weeks to Wheaton, , preparing for Wheaton Paperweight Festhunter-s0972008-augclown-canes murrine wheaton
UCA, HCB and PFGW, , paperweights bearing letterssimmonds-j0922006-decs-g specific-gravity uv-fluorescence
Udaipur Gems Again…, , paperweights from Udaipur palacethornton-a1212016-julbohemian harrach udaipur
Unfinished Clichy Magnum, a Clichy carpet-ground magnumdauby-c1272018-julcarpet-ground clichy
Unidentified Miniature Weight, paperweight in need of identificationmaroschek-e1272018-julminiature unknown
Unrecorded Bacchus in Museum, , Finding an unrecorded Bacchushall-b0742000-decbacchus carpet-ground museum
Unusual Scrambled